Diabetes Educator

Diabetes Educator
Rita is a Registered Nurse and Credentialled Diabetes Educator with more than 20 years of tertiary level diabetes experience. She was a founding member of the team that established the Queensland Diabetes Centre at the Mater, the first service in Queensland to provide specialised, multidisciplinary care for people of any age with diabetes. She offers a high degree of clinical skill and expertise in all aspects of diabetes management in adults and children.
Specialties include:
- Education for newly diagnosed T1 & T2 diabetes
- Insulin pump commencement & ongoing support
- Insulin initiation and titration
- Continuous glucose monitoring
- Gestational diabetes
- Diabetes ‘re-education’ & problem solving
For appointments please contact Rita directly
Rita Barrett
Credentialled Diabetes Educator
Phone 0410 678 778
e. ritabarrettdne@hotmail.com
Taylor Medical Centre
Level 2, Suite 24
40 Annerley Rd, Woolloongabba, 4102